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How the White House is Tackling the Cyber Skills Gap

The Biden-Harris administration unveils ‘Service for America’ programme to address the 500,000-strong cybersecurity job gap. Imagine a scenario where a critical infrastructure attack cripples a major city’s power grid, leaving

AWS: Using AI to Protect Water in US, Chile, Brazil & China

AWS has launched six new water replenishment projects, helping it to return 7 billion litres each year to communities in the US, Chile, Brazil & China. Amazon is rolling out six

Nuveen: Manufacturing Benefits Boost the Entire US Economy

Investment manager Nuveen says benefits for manufacturing workers are driving billions worth of growth for companies, industries and the wider economy. Investing in benefits for workers is one of the

North American Strikes Halt Rail and Port Operations

Strikes by rail workers in Canada halt freight, causing major supply chain disruptions across industries, while US ports brace for ripple effects. Freight operations in Canada have come to a

August GEP: Manufacturing Faces Material Slowdown

GEP’s Global Supply Chain Volatility Index for August reports slowing growth and decreased purchasing across global manufacturing. Capacity among global suppliers is being underutilised for the first time since April. 
